this is also VBUG tricks but some commands pattern i have changed.
so let's get started
today you will learn to make virus using termux without root !!!
now before we go through we have to download one zip file
*zip file link* -
now open termux
1. *apt install python2*
2. *cd /sdcard/foldername*
3. *ls*
4. *cd vbug*
5. *ls*
6. *cd vbug*
7. *ls*
8. *python2*
10. *1*
11. *F* (choose what type of virus you want by typing their letter)
12. *ls*
13. *cd virus*
14. *ls*
Note :- This post is only for security purpose don't try any illegal activity and i'm just shared these methods because protect our Facebook account from these types of hacking attacks. Mostly Hackers use these methods to hack facebook account 2017, So protect yourself from hackers. Must Read this post, and beware from hackers. #1 Hack Facebook Account Password By Phishing Phishing is still the most popular attack vector used for hacking Facebook accounts. There are variety methods to carry out phishing attack. In a simple phishing attacks a hacker creates a fake log in page which exactly looks like the real Facebook page and then asks the victim to log in. Once the victim log in through the fake page the, the victims "Email Address" and "Password" is stored in to a text file, and the hacker then downloads the text file and gets his hands on the victims credentials. #2 Hack Facebook Account Password By Keylogging Keylogging is the easiest way to hack a ...
An evil twin is a fake Wi-Fi access seems to be legitimate, configured to capture credentials in Wireless communications. The evil twin method is the same as phishing. The Evil twin method creates a new phishingpagethat sends credentials over a local network. This type of attack can be used to steal the passwords of unsuspecting users, either by controlling their connections or by phishing, which involves setting up a fraudulent website and attracting people there. -low. Often, users do not know that they were hacked well after the incident. Requirements To Hack Wifi Password Without using Wordlist 1) Laptop 2) WifiSlax (Operating System) 3) Linset (Mostly Inbuilt) 4) Pendriveor Flash Drive (2gb or higher) 5) Universal USB Installer What is WifiSlax and Why WifiSlax? Wifislax is one of the best Spanish Linux Operating systems. It is one of the most famous operating systems for wifi hacking, to be precise this Linux based operating system is f...
Hi My Brothers! You can call it as: "Android to Android Hacking". This method works 100%, so follow my tutorial carefully, it is really very easy to follow (but a bit Complicated). If you got any errors or you think I`ve missed something, then inform me in Comments section. I`ll try best to solve the problem.DISCLAIMER: This Thread is O.N.L.Y for Education Purposes. I will not be Responsible of Any Negative and Illegal use of this information. Try not to HACK the Androids, other than your`s. Or you will be in PRISON. Only Use this information for testing purposes or impressing your friends. So, lets get started... Requirements 1). Android 5.0 (Or later. Tutorial for for older versions will be published soon...) 2). TermuX Android App (Download it from Play Store 3). Installed Metasploit Framework in TermuX 4). Active Internet/WiFi Connection ...
With just a few taps, an Android phone can be weaponized into a covert hacking device capable of running tools such as Nmap , Nikto , and Netcat — all without rooting the device. UserLAnd , created by UserLAnd Technologies , is a completely free Android app that makes installing Linux distributions quick and effortless, without any rooting. With this, it's possible to run an ARM64 Debian operating system alongside the current Android OS. Sometimes referred to as "AARCH64," this ARM architecture is the same used by the Kali Linux Raspberry Pi ARM images , which makes it easy to import Kali's tool repository. And best of all, the UserLAnd team recently added a dedicated Kali filesystem so importing repositories won't be necessary for all users. All of the created filesystems are easily disposable. While many Kali tools work without issues, UserLAnd is still a new project and may cause some tools ( like Nmap ) to break or fa...
What Is Carding :- Carding is a online froud in this you can buy any order Without using Money this trick is 100% Working. In this you can buy more than 60000Rs product also. Note:- First you can do LOW price order Carding. Requirements :- 1. Android Phone ( Rooted ) Note :- If your phone is not rooted then can download KingoRoot apk from Google. 2. CC ( Working ) Note:- CC means Credit Card. 3. droid Vpn Apk 4.Full Fat 3G/4G/ WiFi Net Note:- You can do with 2G also but using 3G/4G/WiFi is better than 2G 5. CC Matching Sock5 What is Sock5 (In Details) :- CC Matching Sock5 is definently needed Bcos from which place you get CC You want to take that place or location matching Sock5. Sock5 is one type of site which helps us to hide Our IP Address.With this at Carding time the the owner of product site can't identify you that you were doing fraud and they don't block your CC. For this you have to take Sock5 CC Matching. From Where You Can Tak...
With just a few taps, an Android phone can be weaponized into a covert hacking device capable of running tools such as Nmap, Nikto, and Netcat — all without rooting the device. UserLAnd, created by UserLAnd Technologies, is a completely free Android app that makes installing Linux distributions quick and effortless, without any rooting. With this, it's possible to run an ARM64 Debian operating system alongside the current Android OS. Sometimes referred to as "AARCH64," this ARM architecture is the same used by the Kali Linux Raspberry Pi ARM images, which makes it easy to import Kali's tool repository. And best of all, the UserLAnd team recently added a dedicated Kali filesystem so importing repositories won't be necessary for all users. All of the created filesystems are easily disposable. While many Kali tools work without issues, UserLAnd is still a new project and may cause some tools (like Nmap) to break or fail when execut...
Hello My friends, In this Thread, I`m gonna show you how to install Metasploit Framework in TermuX . You can use it for Android to Android/Windows hacking. It is the best way to hack another android like WATCH_DOGS Style :) So, lets start... Requirements 1). Android 5.0 + ( unfortunately older version are not supported ) 2). TermuX ( Download it from Google Play or Play Store ) 3). About 1GB of internal storage ( For proper installation of Metasploit ) Step 1 Installation of TermuX Install TermuX from Google Play or Download latest APK file from HERE . After Installing TermuX , follow these steps : Step 2 Installing a Script for Metasploit To install Metasploit-Framework in TermuX, enter the following commands carefully and one by one in the TermuX (After entering a single command line, don`t forget to press enter, and wait for the process to complete if any). First of all, we have to install WGET script, for this...
#1 Hack Facebook Account Password By Phishing Phishing is still the most popular attack vector used for hacking Facebook accounts. There are variety methods to carry out phishing attack. In a simple phishing attacks a hacker creates a fake log in page which exactly looks like the real Facebook page and then asks the victim to log in. Once the victim log in through the fake page the, the victims "Email Address" and "Password" is stored in to a text file, and the hacker then downloads the text file and gets his hands on the victims credentials. #2 Hack Facebook Account Password By Keylogging Keylogging is the easiest way to hack a Facebook password. Keylogging sometimes can be so dangerous that even a person with good knowledge of computers can fall for it. A Keylogger is basically a small program which, once is installed on victim's computer, will record every thing victim types on his/her computer. The logs are then send back to the attacker by eithe...
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1) #INstall Metasploit $pkg update $pkg install wget $wget $ls $bash $msfconsole ======================================= 2) #TUTOR HACK CCTV/ $apt update && apt upgrade $pkg install python2 $pkg install git $pip2 install requests $git clone $cd ipcs $python2 ======================================= 3) #Hack CCTV with METASPLOIT Pertama daftar Https:// Pilih aja Gogle Setelah login klik tulisan my account Pingirnya ijo" Pastikan browser kalian tetap disana metasploit-framework 2../msfconsole 3.use auxiliary/gather/shodan_search Kalian copy tulisan yg tdk beraturan di browser kalian lalu tempel di termux DG set SHODAN_APIKEY blablabla 4.set SHODAN_APIKEY blablabla 5.set query "webcamxp" Kemudian jalankan DG Ketik run =============...
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